You never need a ticket to attend holiday services at Kol Mashiach! Services are FREE and open to all – Jewish and non-Jewish – who want to celebrate with us. Our services, as always, are conducted in Hebrew and English. All Hebrew is transliterated so you can follow along and the English translation is provided as well. We want you to fully know and understand the meaning of each part of the service. You will find a wonderful blend of traditional observance and modern worship as we continue thousands of years of tradition into the 21st century!
For more information, email info@shalombrevard.com or call 321-255-2557
If you can’t join us in person, watch live on our website or Youtube channel.
All services, with the exception of Tashlich on Rosh Hashanah, will be available to watch on our livestream.
Nursery will be available for children ages 0 – 3 years. During most services, the 4 – 7 year olds will be dismissed for activity time.

Join us as we begin the fall holidays with a celebration of the beginning of the Jewish New Year – the start of the civil calendar. We will celebrate together and worship the King of Kings, Melech HaOlam! We’ll supply the apples and honey and you bring dessert for kiddush after our Erev Rosh Hashanah service.
Tashlich will be at 1pm at Pineapple Park by the Eau Gallie Public Library.

We will close out the Yamim Nora’im – the Ten Days of Awe – with our observance of Yom Kippur. There will be no kiddush after Kol Nidre or Yizkor Services as we will be fasting.
At the end of our fast, we will close with our Ne’ilah service and break the fast with a wonderful covered dish supper. Please bring generous amounts to share.

Through your generous donations, we have a new, larger congregational sukkah. There’s plenty of room for everyone to enjoy a meal in the sukkah.
Come celebrate Sukkot at our Erev service onthe second night! Bring an international dish to share for dinner before service.
If you would like to order a lulav and etrog, you can visit www.myesrog.com to place an order.

The fall holidays come to a close with the joyous holiday of Simchat Torah! Come early for pizza dinner. We come together to complete the annual Torah reading cycle and roll the Torah back to the beginning to start all over again. Be ready to march around the synagogue following the Torah – reminiscent of the children of Israel following the pillar of cloud and fire in the wilderness.

Isaiah 58 Food Drive
As we enter this time of reflection, fasting, and celebration, we must always be mindful of what God has directed us to do – remember those who are less fortunate. As we choose to abstain from food on Yom Kippur, there are many who go hungry because they have nothing. Please take the time to collect items for donation and drop them in the collection box in the foyer before any service. All donations will go to feed those in need in our community and can be brought to any service or dropped off during office hours between Oct 2 and Oct 12.
(Suggested Donations: canned fruits & vegetables, chunky soup & canned pastas, tuna & other canned meat, peanut butter & jelly, pop tarts & cereal bars, boxes of instant oatmeal packets, toothpaste, deodorant, toothbrushes, disposable razors, toilet paper, feminine hygiene products (Please make sure that donated items do not contain pork or shellfish.)